Giving back is important for NuActive Health
NuActive Health appreciates how fortunate they are and the ability they have to give back to the community that supports them.
Cooking Classes
NuActive Health runs a range of healthy cooking classes.
With state of the art cooking facilities sponsored by major companies (see below), the opportunity to demonstrate to individuals and the world, that healthy cooking is fun, easy and tasty will be an exciting one. With 8.5 million Australians overweight, 3 million with diabetes or pre-diabetes, and an exponentially growing number of cardiovascular and other lifestyle diseases, it’s inevitable that the demand on the health industry will continue to grow. NuActive Health® is committed to improve the health of as many Australians as possible. Wouldn’t it would be wonderful if enough people could be convinced to adopt a healthy lifestyle and we saw a significant reduction in the economic burden of lifestyle diseases that we are currently faced with?
We also offer a range of nutrition courses for culinary experts to show chefs and food editors how they can impact Australian’s health by the food they cook and write about. With nearly a decade of experience working in food media, coauthor of the recipes in Diabetic Living Magazine a Better Homes and Garden’s, Pacific Magazines publication, and writing our own cookbooks, we show chefs that food can really look and taste sensational while at the same time be healthier if not completely healthy. We all like to indulge in decadent food occasionally, dietitians included, but when high salt, fatty and sugary foods that lack nutrients creep into everyday eating on a regular basis, food contributors need to take their part of responsibility in this. In saying that their is no point attempting to produce healthy food if they don’t know how, there is nothing worse than a recipe being labelled healthy if in fact it’s not. Which is where our course comes in – we fill the gaps that their culinary training has missed and help them be experts in cooking all styles of food including special dietary requirements.
For more information on our cooking classes as an individual, group or culinary expert courses please contact us on
Raise a Hand Foundation
NuActive Health’s Director, Joanne Turner, appreciates all the wonderful contacts she has developed through running NuActive Health, and has turned these contacts into raising money for well needed Australian and International charities.
Joanne started her own not for profit organisation that arranges the creation of signed celebrity handprints and auctions these items with 100% of the proceeds going to the charity of the celebrity’s choice.
Hand prints are also available for fund raising events and school fund raising.
NuActive Health Charity Talks
NuActive Health’s professionals give many talks per year to community and charity groups on a range of nutrition and exercise related topics each year. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to arrange nutrition and or exercise related talk for your school, community or charity group.
Free Health Talks for the local community
Call us today to book into the next free talk at our practice on how diet and exercise can help your weight loss, diabetes, or heart disease. These talks fill up very quickly so make sure you book your spot TODAY!
Starting Solids Workshops to New Mums
Ask any new parent of their ‘plan’ to introduce solids to their baby, and they’re likely to be at best confused, and at worst anxious. NuActive Health is happy to provide any new parents group with an online or in person starting solids workshop, that will give parents the knowledge of what, when, how and how much to feed their child from the day they start solids.
Community Health Challenge
NuActive Health have been running community health challenges since 2007 for the first 3 months of every year, NuActive health provides weekly nutrition, exercise and motivational seminars to a growing number of people. It’s a great way to meet and talk to other people trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle and a great way to learn and be motivated to achieve your goals. NuActive Health will soon be launching their E Health Challenge, please contact us, if you are interested in receiving more information about our face to face or internet based Health Challenge. There are some great prizes to win, just for participating!
School Health Projects
NuActive Health is very passionate about promoting healthy school projects and healthy fund raising methods rather than selling unnecessary chocolate, cakes and donuts to people who really don’t need the extra sugar and fat intake.
Clinical Psychologist
Joanne is both an Accredited Practicing Dietitian and Exercise Physiologist.
Joanne is the managing dietitian of Homestyle Nutrition, consultant dietitian to Creative Gourmet and is an invited advisory board member of Nestle Medical Nutrition.
Joanne has always had a passion working with food and was keen to work in the food industry from a very young age, she loves to cook, works closely with food editors and food technologists, and gained a lot of initial experience working at Australian Cooperative Foods.